Monday, January 14, 2013


Monday. Just the thought of it typically brings dread, loathing and perhaps even a little fear to many of us. But why?  What if this week, yes, I do mean today, we chose to look at Monday differently~As a new beginning.  An opportunity for a fresh start, rather than the end of what was hopefully a great weekend.
I read recently that most people hate Mondays simply because they hate their job. So change it. I realize that it is easier said than done, especially in this economy, but what little step could you take TODAY toward that new career opportunity you've dreamed of that actually makes you want to go to work on Monday? 
Instead if looking at your "to do" list for the week and wondering how you are going to manage to get it all done, start by looking at last week's "to do" list and congratulate yourself for all that you accomplished. You may also find that your list for this week doesn't look so scary after all. And if it does, ask for help!  Prioritize-what are the top 3 things you absolutely must accomplish this week?  What about using today to get them done and out of the way?  So cue up your favorite music and get to work.  You already don't like Monday.  You might as well work your @$$ off to some great music and go home with a sense of accomplishment and look forward to perhaps a bit easier week.  Don't have a "to do" list? Get one- TODAY-while it may seem a bit daunting, in the end, it can reduce your stress as you will see everything mapped out, fewer tasks will "slip through the cracks" and I know I find great delight when I get to cross things off.  Then next week, you can look at it for inspiration! 

What about giving yourself something to look forward to. Call a friend (or email or text) right now (or at least when you are done reading this) and schedule something fun-lunch, coffee, drinks, a mid-week movie--whatever, for later this week. Get it on the books NOW.  Schedule it and prioritize it like you would any other meeting or appointment. If you wait to be sure you can "fit it into a busy week", chances are it won't happen.  It should be an important part of your schedule because the break is good for your stress level and when we are less stressed we think more clearly and are more creative and productive. If you DO find that you are having a "challenging" week, by the time you finish with your "friend appointment" chances are very good you will be feeling better~refreshed and ready to get back at t. Also, if you wait  to schedule it, you won't have something enjoyable to look forward to except, the weekend.

Which brings me to my next point:  If all you have to look forward to each week is another weekend, you are wishing your life away.  The week seems to go on forever, while the months and years slip past quicker than you care to think about.  Only looking forward to the weekend very likely makes you not as productive as you should/could be, which will certainly just lead to more Monday dread and stress.

Monday is a fresh start. A chance to start over   Embrace it!  Make it a great one.  By Friday will you say "It's been a great week, I have so much celebrate this weekend?" or will it be more like "what a terrible week. I can't wait to drown my sorrows in that glass of wine, hot fudge sundae, bottle of rum, etc...this weekend!" It's for you to decide. Today. Resolve to make Monday happen for you, not to you!
Remember that great weekend? Let's strive to make it an equally great week.


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