Sunday, June 5, 2016

This Is It! It Stops NOW!

As many of you know, I almost lost my dad a few years ago due to complications from an undiagnosed hereditary blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden.  It was at that point I knew I needed to work on my own health. I started eating healthier and walking my little rescue pup, Gus. On those walks, Gus started wanting to run, so we would until he got tired. We would walk for a bit then run again.  And thus began my interval runs. 

Shortly after, I was diagnosed with a mild form of the same blood issue that did not require medication as long as I was mindful of my health. My hematologist stressed the importance of cardiovascular exercise, especially in "spurts" as it is particularly effective in strengthening your circulatory system and reducing your chance of blood clots and strokes.  So I kept running-more-farther-and more often per week-eventually having to leave Gus home as I was doing more than what the little guy could safely do with me. 

I lost over 20 pounds in the course of a year and maintained it for about a year.  

And then it happened.

I got a little lazy. 

I stopped thinking about what and how much went into my mouth.  

And as gradually as I lost it, I gained about half of it back.  


I wish I could blame the increase in the scale on the 6+ inches of hair that I've grown letting my "business bob" grow out, but even as thick as my hair is, it still doesn't add up to 10 pounds!

I got a great start on getting back into shape in November and made excellent progress, even through the Holidays. I was on the right path, and then things got crazy at work after the Holiday Season.  I stopped making myself a priority.  I started missing workouts and mindlessly grabbing food and although most of it was healthy, overall, my nutrition was all over the place.  And my stress level was high.  

Then I saw pics from two business trips in the last few months and what I knew was an issue in my head suddenly was harsh reality on the screen.  

And after the second business trip, with some bad nutritional decisions and in which I was in a car driving for over 12 hours coming home, I spent the holiday weekend and following week with some significant edema and overall just not feeling well~to the point of wondering if I should head to the ER to be checked out for a blood clot or other issue.  

My body had become toxic. 

I knew I let myself down.  

I let my body down.  

I let my health down. 

And by letting my health down for too long, given my medical history, I am letting my family down. 

This is it! It stops NOW!  

I'm picking myself back up. 

Back to the 21 Day Fix® program starting with a 3 Day Refresh® TODAY. 

Back to daily 21 Day Fix® workouts

Back to interval runs 3 times a week

Back to "real" and "honest" nutritional choices. 

No lies to myself. 

I am back in control. 

This is more than just vanity.  This is necessary for life.  
My life.  My family's life.  

I invite you to follow me on my journey .   Or better yet,email me at if you'd like to join me.     

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